Monday, 30 January 2017

Unit 73: Sound for Computer Games
Sound file formats
Uncompressed: An audio file that is uncompressed is an audio file that is just radio waves. They are the most accurate but takes up a lot of disk space about 34MB per minute. So you would use the uncompressed audio file if you were trying to get a very realistic and better quality than compressed files.
Compressed: Compressed files are files that are reduced in size so that it does not take up as much. Due to popular believe compressing it does not change the quality at all. Compressed files are usually used on phones and MP3s because they do not have much storage compared to things like computers.
Audio Sampling
Resolution and bit-depth constrain the file size because they have to have a certain amount of memory which can not be reduced meaning the file size is constrained

Sample rate:
Sample rate is the number of samples in a piece of audio per second it is measured in Hz so for example 44,000Hz.
Mono is the basic audio that has been around for years and is the sound that sounds like it is one position.
Stereo is the audio that manipulates the sound waves so that it sounds like they are coming from other directions and positions.
Surround sound is a system of stereos that surround the person listening to it to make it seem more realistic and like they are coming from a certain position.

Audio Limitations of Game Platforms
PCM: Pulse-code modulation is raw sound being recorded in analogy and being changed to digital. The reason why it is limiting the recording of sound is because the sound can only be recorded in pulses and different time frames not all at once.
File format:(MP3, Wav, Aiff) The reason why these file formats limit the recording of the sound is because the files run using PCM so it is the same reason why it cannot be done in one go.
Audio output: The limitations for audio output is that you have to find places to put the sound recorders so you can make it sound realistic and move the positions.
DSP: A DSP is a digital signal processing microprocessor it makes it for the fast operational needs for digital signal however, it cannot work if the audio is analogue meaning it is limited to digital only.
RAM: RAMs are required to change the signal to digital and process the information quickly but some cannot change the analogue signal to digital meaning you cannot use it until you have changed it to digital.

In what types of scenario may you use the following audio recording equipment?
Multi-track recording, if you are trying to mix songs together and if you are editing. 
Midi-multi instrumental interface, works best if you have recorded many instruments and want to mix them together
DAT, DAT is good when you want to use analogue and make it sound more realistic and hear the warmth in the voice/music/sound.
Analogue, Analogue is used if you want the audio to be raw radio waves. 
Software plug-ins, Plugins are used if people do not have instruments in real life so will have to use the online plugins for instruments. It can also use real life hardware like compressors and reverbs
Software sequencer, can be used in any situation as you can make music, edit it, play it back and handling performance. It can do basically everything. 

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