Task A understanding hardware technologies for game platforms
HCI (Human Computer Interface)
An HCI is basically what you use to control your console so controllers, joysticks, keyboard, mouse, wheel and pedals, motion sensing input device, motion controllers and voice controller.

The controller is a device that is used for controlling a console usually a Playstation, Xbox and even a computer with the steam controller. Controllers have been around for many years and have adapted and changed since they were first made. Controllers now have adapted so they are comfortable and fit in your hand so it is easier and better to use. As you can see on the picture to the right it is adapted so the buttons you use most are in places that are easy to reach and use.
Joysticks are a fairly old form of HCI it is usually used in flight simulators or many different simulators they are also used to train people how to fly without using a real plane. The Joystick is made for flying so it is easy to use and helpful if you are playing a flight simulator.
Keyboard and Mouse
The keyboard and mouse are most likely the most famous and popular HCI it has been around since the computer was made and is easy to use as you can just press keys to do certain things. There are some keyboards and mice that are called ergonomic this means that they have been adapted to make it feel comfy which helps.
Motion Controllers

Motion controllers are for Wii and recently new devices are coming out like the PlayStation Move and the Oculus Rift. The way these work is by moving the controller around or moving yourself around which will make your character move. The controller have four buttons and a motion detector so it can tell when you are moving to move your character.
Voice Controller
A voice controller is controlled by the voice examples of this is on the PlayStation when you speak through the headset or camera you can command the PlayStation and go onto things that you want to by speaking and not using the controller.
Motion Sensing Input Device
Motion sensing input devices consist of the Xbox Kinect and the PlayStation Camera these are used for capturing motion and displaying it so you can move your character which will be you.
Wheel & Pedals

Wheel and pedals are what they say they are they are a steering wheel and pedals you can use them on the PS2 to play various racing games including Need for Speed.

As you can see in the pictures the controller has advanced and changed a lot since the NES. The two pictures above shows a modern day PlayStation 3 controller and the old NES controller. As you can see in the picture above the NES controller is a lot wider than the modern day controller meaning it is less comfortable to hold. Another difference is there are less buttons on the NES as there were less features to do in the game whereas nowadays you have more features. Also the modern day controller is shaped so that it fits perfectly into your hand and make it comfortable. Another feature is that you can go to the main menu with the modern controller but with the older controller there is no menu button so to get to it you have to use the actual console. I think that the modern day game controller is a food dispenser, the controller will release a certain piece of food that is something from the game and you get to eat it to see what it tastes like and you feel immersed.
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