Unit 78: Digital Graphics For Computer Games
Research Exercise
File Extensions
File extensions are what you save your work into for example a GIF or TIF or JPEG. It is important that you choose the right file extension because it can save storage or use more storage depending on what device it is being used on for example a TIF is better used when making an APP as TIF files compress therefore using less storage space up. Whereas GIF's do not compress files so they are used more when using a computer because it has more space.
Image Capture
Image capture is taking an image using any software or device you can do this with a camera, screenshotting, screen recording software, scanning and just drawing it yourself. Image capture is used for capturing image for example if you take a picture of a background and use it in the video game that would be capturing image. This is also used for the background in garrys mod in the picture above.

Storage of Image Assets
Storing images is important because if you work in a company and you are in charge of making an image but then someone else is responsible for shading it then you need to have put it in the right file so its easy for them to find it and use it.
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